Why I Disagree with Picture of the Year’s First Place Choice of “Final Embrace”

Why I Disagree with Picture of the Year’s First Place Choice of “Final Embrace” – Reading The Pictures

The truth is, this photo doesn’t valorize the workers who died in Rana Plaza as much as it sentimentalizes.

via Reading The Pictures: http://www.bagnewsnotes.com/2014/02/why-i-disagree-with-picture-of-the-years-first-place-choice-of-final-embrace/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Bagnewsnotes+%28BAGnewsNotes%29

Having looked at and thought on this photo each time it was feted in still another venue this year, its main problem, I fear, is how quickly and hard one falls in love with it. There is news photography and then there is fairy tale. Here, coworkers become lovers become Romeo and Juliet. And that’s about about art, and about us more than them.